Below: PMX-1100; Used in Accuray's Cyberknife
My career as a Computer Engineer has virtually just begun. After interning once, then working as a temp for L-3 Communications, CTL, Watsonville CA, I am beginning to search the job market. At L-3 we manufacture Magnetrons, high voltage RF devices which have uses in the medical, communication, and commercial fields. I am passionate about Robotics, Hardware, Electrical and Manufacturing Engineering. The integration of software, hardware and electrical theory is what I studied in school, and hope to build upon as I develop as an engineer. Working at L-3 gave me a broad spectrum of work experience, as my main role was an Apprentice to Electrical Engineer, Dr. Lentz. With Dr. Lentz, or "Doc", I found myself doing many different projects from many fields of study, such as soldering, programming, wiring, designing, and building both electronic and non-electronic devices. I am hoping to find a position where my experience at L-3 will be applicable and I will be able hit the ground running. I am a smart, social problem solver who loves challenges and I cannot wait for my future! Please take the time to take a look at my Resume below:
Resume, Tim DeGrasse
Analog Current/Voltage Meter redesigned with a PCB created by me. It takes two DC inputs and displays them on front panel LCDs. This unit is used for outgoing testing of CW Magnetrons